Tuesday, May 24

Mee-Maw! (Otherwise known as Sue!)

Well, Mee-maw was here! Ok, I guess we can call her Sue/Gramma Smith! Sue came down to visit from the twelfth to the sixteenth. By the way, congratulations! She now has her Bachelor's Degree! She missed her graduation to come be with us! I think it was voluntary though :)

The graduate!

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Her yummy cake and stolen rose..................

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We spent lots of time on the playground behind our house-Anthony loves the slide, and there's a steering wheel out there, too, and he will stand and steer it FOREVER. It 's really fun!

Hanging out on the playground

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"Gramma, I love you!"

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Anyway, we all had tons of fun, trying out recipes, and going to the beach, and the playground, and the case lot sale(groan!). We miss you, Mee-maw!

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