Monday, February 27

Caught In The Act, and Other Shining Moments

Have you ever seen anyone look so guilty?! Poor guy. I guess he was hungry....I promise, we feed him! I'm putting in a link to our foto site with pics from NY-there were too many to put on this page. Hope all is well with everyone. We are getting all psyched up to move on Friday nite/Sat morning-yay!!!!!!! Can't wait! We've been over to the house a couple times this week, just bringing over some little stuff, and we went to Toys R Us and bought Anthony a playhouse and a little playground and pool since I haven't been able to find one close by. That was an experience, let me tell you. I guess we haven't been there in a while, like since Anthony has been walking around and able to grab stuff and realize he is in a toy store. Well, he realizes it now! Whew. Oh, well, i guess what can you expect:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like he is really curious, Bet he can't wait until he has another to play with.