Monday, April 16

Back Again!

Well, after a short hiatus, say....oh, 10 months or so....I'm back! Not like I've had anyhting else to do ;) We have been busy lately, just moved back into base housing, if you need our new address, please comment and I will send it right away.

Not a lot going on at the moment, I'm trying to concentrate on my little bag business, as you may have noticed the new section at the top with my Etsy shop. BTW, Etsy rocks! It only costs 20 cents per listing, and your listing lasts for 3 months!

The boys are doing great, Anthony is growing like a weed, he needs a whole new wardrobe just about right now, thank GOD for freecycle, lol! He is soooo talkative, he will talk your ear off about everything! Ayden has been crawling for a few months now, he is cruising all around the furniture, and he even stands on his own for a couple of seconds! Very exciting milestone wise, very sad mommy wise :( He is my last baby, and he is growing up so fast! I look at him and remember when Anthony was his age, then marvel at how fast time flies. He loves his daddy, too! That's what he says all day - "Da-da? Da-da?" He is just starting to say mama, too, which is heartening :)

Adam is testing for his next rank at the end of next month, which will be Staff Sergeant, so keep your fingers and toes crossed for him. He also just started a new diet, so keep them double crossed that he can stick with it, because I know he really wants to, not that he needs it!

The weather here has been great until yesterday, when it decided to rain out our fun weekend, the base was putting on "Child Pride Day", where they have all sorts of fun activities for the kiddos. And today I walked outside to let out the dog and it was freezing! But now I have an extra chance to let the kids wear their long sleeved shirts I'm going to embroider on this week, lol! I've actually been learnign a great deal about the art of machine embroidery, with the help of a wonderful online group called "We're All Still Kids". Very fun!

Well, that's about it for now, more to come later, this momma has had it - it's bedtime. Hope everyone has a great week!

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